ECO Local Authority Flex Scheme:
Elevating Energy Efficiency in Homes

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Elevating Energy Efficiency in Homes

Grant Store is officially the preferred ECO4 delivery partner for the ECO Local Authority (LA) Flex Scheme in Cheshire West and Chester! This government-backed initiative is all about improving energy efficiency in UK homes, focusing on helping lower-income households tackle rising heating costs. With fuel poverty on the rise, cutting energy bills has never been more important. To make it happen, we’ve partnered with Northern ECO Installations to deliver the scheme.

Elevating Energy Efficiency in Homes
gsl vans

Scheme Details and Eligibility

Duration: The ECO LA Flex Scheme runs from July 2022 to March 2026.

Coverage Area: Your property must be situated in Cheshire West or Chester

Property Requirements: Properties must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E, F or G*

* properties with an EPC D will need an insulation and heating measure to qualify.


In order to qualify you will need to meet one of the following three eligibility routes. You will also need to provide evidence which will be submitted to the Council to accompany your application.

If you need advice identifying which route is most suitable for you please call 01942 918844

Route 1 – EPC rating E, F or G and a household income less than £31,000

Route 2 – EPC rating E, F and G and households meet a combination of two of the following proxies

  • Proxy 1) Homes in England in Lower-layer Super Output Area 1-3 (LSOA)1 , or homes in Welsh provision LSOA 1-3 on the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 20192 , or the Index of Multiple Deprivation for 2020, published by the Scottish Government
  • Proxy 2) Householders receiving a Council Tax rebate (rebates based on low income only, excludes single person rebates).
  • Proxy 3) Householders vulnerable to living in a cold home as identified in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidance. Only one from the list can be used, excludes the proxy ‘low income’.
  • Proxy 4) A householder receiving free school meals due to low-income.
  • Proxy 5) A householder supported by a Local Authority run scheme, that has been named and described by the LA as supporting low income and vulnerable households for the purposes of NICE Guideline.
  • Proxy 6) A household referred to the Local Authority for support by their energy supplier or Citizen’s Advice or Citizen’s Advice Scotland, because they have been identified as struggling to pay their electricity and gas bills.

* Note proxies 1 and 5 cannot be used together

Route 3 – Standard Energy Procedure (SAP) bands E, F or G households that have been identified by their doctor or GP as low income and vulnerable, with an occupant whose health conditions may be impacted further by living in a cold home.

These health conditions are:

  • Cardiovascular
  • Respiratory
  • immunosuppressed, or
  • limited mobility related.

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Grant Store Ltd has partnered up with Northern ECO Installations to guide you through the application process.

Step 1: Application and Initial Check

Start by applying online or give us a call. One of our friendly team members will help you through the application form and perform an initial check of your Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) online to determine your eligibility. No need to worry if you don’t have one; we’ll handle it during the pre-survey. If your application is unsuccessful we can refer you back to Cheshire West and Chester Council to see if you may be eligible for any other schemes.

Step 2: Pre-Qualification and Survey Arrangement

Once you’ve passed the pre-qualification stage, Northern ECO will schedule an initial survey of your property. This helps us identify the best energy-saving measures we can implement for you. Plus, we’ll gather all the necessary evidence to proceed.

Required Evidence for All Customers:

Energy Performance Certificate (EPC): No need to worry if you don’t have one; we’ll handle it during the pre-survey.
Council Tax Letter: This serves as proof of your residence.

Additional Evidence Based on Your Route:

For Route 1 Applicants:

Income Verification: Please provide your recent payslips or P60, along with bank statements from the last three months.

For Route 2 Applicants:

Evidence will be required depending on the 2 proxies used.

For Route 3 Applicants:

NHS Letter from Your Surgery: Relax, we’ve got this covered! We use Ofgem-approved templates and assist and assist you in speaking to NHS.

Step 3: Local Authority Approval

Your application is processed by the Cheshire West and Chester Council, who will confirm your eligibility to the scheme. This is a crucial step in ensuring that the proposed improvements meet all necessary criteria and standards.

Step 4: Pre-Installation Coordination

After approval, we at GSL will conduct detailed Pre-Installation Surveys. Depending on the measures being installed, this could involve a visit from a technical surveyor to discuss your homes improvement plan. We’ll then gather all survey results, order the required materials, and set an installation date for your energy-saving measures.

Step 5: Project Completion and Handover

Once the installation is complete, we provide you with a comprehensive handover document. This important packet includes all warranties, design specifications, and insurance documentation, ensuring you’re fully informed about the work done on your property.

Step 6: Enjoy Your Enhanced Home

Relax in the comfort of your warmer, more energy-efficient home, not to mention the savings on your energy bills!


Typically, the entire process, from the initial survey to project completion, takes about 3 to 4 weeks. Please note that this timeframe is subject to having all the necessary evidence and complying with both Cheshire West and Chester’s regulations and Ofgem’s scheme requirements.

Please fill in this form to get started

Prefer to speak to us directly? Give us a call: 01942 918844

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