Solar panels: are they worth the cost?

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Solar panels are becoming more and more popular in the UK, with over 1.2 million homes now having them. But, with a high upfront cost, the question is: Are they worth it?

We’ve installed thousands of solar panel systems all across the UK, offering a wide range of solar PV packages, so we know a thing or two about the costs and benefits involved.

In this blog, we’ll explain everything, explore whether this renewable energy is worth the cost, and give you the information you need to make a confident decision about your home.

What are solar panels, and how do they work?

Solar panels convert daylight into electricity using photovoltaic cells. These cells absorb daylight, generating an electric current passed through an inverter, converting it into electricity that can be used in your home.

How much money can you save with solar panels?

How much money you save with solar panels depends on the size of your system and how much energy your household uses. That being said, solar panels can save you money in two different ways.

First, they mean you’ll use less electricity from the grid, lowering your energy bills. And second, if you produce excess energy, you can earn money back through SEG (Smart Export Guarantee) payments. SEG tariffs differ widely, but you can switch between them, just as you can choose to change energy providers.

How much do solar panels cost?

The cost of solar panels varies based on various factors, such as:

  • The size of the system
  • Type of panel
  • If you include battery storage
  • The complexity of the job

Generally, you should expect to pay at least £5,000 for an installation. After this, it can take anywhere between 6 and 12 years to break even. However, this timeframe changes depending on your solar generation, usage and the final cost of the system and electricity at the time of installation.

How much will my solar installation cost?

How long do solar panels last?

Solar panels are designed to last decades, with most manufacturers offering warranties ranging from 20 to 25 years. This means you could be signing up for a lifetime of savings.

As with anything, though, their efficiency will slow over time. However, with proper maintenance, they can outlive their warranty—sometimes lasting 30 years or more.

How much energy do solar panels produce?

How much energy a solar panel produces depends on factors like:

  • Panel and system size
  • Panel type
  • The system’s location
  • Daylight exposure

The amount of electricity you get from a solar panel depends on a number of factors, including the efficiency of the panel, the amount of daylight it receives, and the temperature. In general, a typical solar panel can produce up to 450 watts of power in full daylight (Unbiased).

The amount of energy your system generates will also change throughout the year, with weather conditions and sun angle adjusting with the seasons. However, even in areas with less daylight, solar panels can still generate a significant amount of electricity, making them a viable option for many homes throughout the UK.

Solar Energy Output Diagram

How can you make the most out of solar panels?

You can save money on your electricity bill by using your appliances when your solar panels are generating power during the day. This means you rely less on energy from the grid.

If you find that you’re producing a lot of excess electricity, instead of selling that back to the grid, you could invest in a solar battery. These have an average price of roughly £4,500, depending on capacity, but will let you use solar power at night, so you can keep saving at all times.

The good news is that in most cases, you won’t need planning permission for solar panels as they are usually considered “permitted development” in England and Wales, with some exceptions for conservation areas.

We know that all this technical information can be a bit overwhelming, which is why our team of experts is on hand to answer any questions you may have.

With over 50 years of experience in our field, you can count on us to give you sound, honest advice. Get in touch today and start saving tomorrow.

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